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Sunday, September 25, 2011

2 Secrets in Losing Belly Fats

Want to get rid of the flabs?
Do you wage a war with belly fat? Maybe you are thinking you have tried every existing technique for belly fat loss, and the stubborn stuff still does not budge. Surely you have seen multiple advertisements claiming that their miracle pill or supplement can make you lose belly fat overnight. You have also seen all of the infomercial inventions claiming that by strapping on an “ab-belt,”
you can jiggle away the fat in a few days, or you can crunch the fat away using an “ab-roller.”
Seriously, I hope you see through the glossy gimmicks and slick scams of marketers pushing false hope down your throat. Chances are that if it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is just that. Time for truth: two simple principles, when applied, will cause fat loss. These are techniques based on simple scientific facts.
The first truth requires that you stop wasting energy doing hundreds of abdominal exercises, like repetitive crunches, leg lifts, and torso twists, for “spot reduction” of your belly fat and love handles. Spot reduction is a myth that is persistent, yet not possible. You cannot lose belly fat by doing exercises that target the abdominals. However, even though the word is out by now that this will not work, many people spend way too much time overloading the stomach muscles with targeted exercises. The truth is that fat is burned off metabolically. The benefit of exercise is that it raises your metabolism and allows your body to burn calories. The fat disappears as a result of this burning, and it disappears from all parts of your body, not just the ones you target with specific repetitive exercises. In order to lose belly fat, you have to lose fat all over.
Now, do not think that I am saying that abdominal exercises are worthless. In moderate amounts, they are great, and they do strengthen your core and help build a support system for your back. But actually, direct abs exercises should only comprise a small part of your workout routine. The majority of your workout should be spent doing multi-joint exercises that use the largest muscle groups of the body: the legs, chest, and back.
That is one of the truths that will lead to the departure of flabby belly fat. Focusing on large muscle groups greatly raises your metabolic rate, both while you are working out and for 24-48 hours thereafter. As an added bonus, working the large, multi-joint muscle groups stimulates and increases the fat-burning hormones in your body. You will not get this metabolic and hormonal boost by simply doing abdominal-targeting exercises. Take the energy you waste placing unnecessary strain on your abdominals and back muscles and turn it towards an all-over fat-burning workout.
Want to shed belly fat? Well, grab a barbell and do squats. Do some deadlifts, some lunges, step-ups, and chest and back exercises. It makes no difference whether you use dumbbells, barbells, or the resistance of your own body weight, as long as your focus is on the large multi-joint exercises at a high intensity. This means no 5-minute breaks between sets to sit and chat with fellow gym members. Losing belly fat and keeping it off requires intensity and focus in your workout. Anyone who tries to sell you the idea that you can lose belly fat while sitting on the couch, watching TV, and wearing an “ab-belt,” or while crunching for only a couple of minutes with your “ab-roller” is asking you to buy a lie!
The second truth to help you get rid of belly flab involves nutrition. You must realize that strict diets actually hinder your efforts to lose stomach fat. If you are on a fad diet, like the low-carb, the low-fat, the soup diet, the grapefruit diet, or any other diet that restricts one or more of the important macro-nutrients, which are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, then you actually lower your metabolic rate and lose lean muscle. This only makes you gain more fat later when you end the diet and start eating normally again. Dieting in this way messes with processes relating to the muscle glycogen process, your hormonal balance, blood sugar, and insulin, and this stops your body from shedding fat. Do not fall for fad diet promises. Understand that humans need a balanced, diverse diet containing natural sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Eating these gives your body the macro-nutrients it needs, as well as the minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, and enzymes necessary for good health.

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